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Neu! Diese Tafel hat gerade bei den 2021 International Academy of Chocolate Awards einen Bronze Prize gewonnen!


Marañón 74% aus Peru 

Die Schokolade wird aus den seltenen Pure Nacional Kakaobohnen (galten als ausgestorben) aus dem Marañón Canyon am Fuße der Anden in Peru hergestellt. Sie ist äußerst delikat mit einem unglaublich zarten Schmelz. Blumige Aromen, mit leichten Nussnoten und dezente Aromen von Steinobst und Whiskey.



In 2007, two men, Dan Pearson and Brian Horsley were sourcing fruit in Peru’s Marañón Canyon when they accidently happened upon cacao trees growing in a remote horseshoe-shaped canyon surrounded by 6,000-feet canyon walls. Upon opening the pods, they discovered that there were both white and purple beans inside, which struck them as rare and led them to send samples to the USDA for genetic testing. As their (and ultimately our) luck would have it, the USDA confirmed that these two adventurers had accidently re-discovered a rare Pure Nacional cacao variety, which had been tragically wiped out by disease and thought to be extinct.


The high canyon walls in the Marañón valley create a unique microclimate for cacao trees. The trees thrive at some of the highest altitudes ever reported for cacao, between 1060 and 1250 meters (or 3,500 and 4,100 feet). Not surprisingly, this romate location as well as the altitude make transport challenging, and the beans are transported first by foot, then by donkey, followed by a motorcycle and finally by all-terrain vehicle. Once the beans arrive to the farm, they are actually hand sorted and seperated because it turns out that the white beans and the purple beans must be fermented differently. This was determined after 81 different fermenting and drying trials over the course of two years.


Our 74% bar offers a truly enjoyable craft chocolate experience. 

74% Marañon Valley Peru

8,20 € Regular Price
7,90 €Sale Price
1 Kilogram
VAT Included |
Out of Stock
  • 74% Cacao Beans  26% Certified Cane Sugar

    NO GMO, No Soy, No Emulsifiers, No Palm oil, No Dairy
    Vegan by nature (May contain traces of gluten, and nuts)

    Hand crafted with our 10 step process in small batches in our own kitchen near Munich.

    Weight: 60g

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